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My Jiving Joint!


hope, masked woman and bird

Oh, yes, I did it again! I now have a matching pair of knees!

My right knee had been begging to have freedom. It would try to walk, do yoga or dance but that stubborn cranky old left knee would put a damper on it. The right would beg and conjole the old gal to live life but she would have nothing to do with it. Finally Ms. Right and I had enough. It was time for the experts to step in.

The pros listened to our woes and took care of the old left pain. They quickly replaced it with a shiny new joint.

We are getting acquainted. Things are going slow but I foresee a beautiful relationship.

polymer clay sheet and punch

I am itching to get back into my studio. Hopefully I will be able to do the steps next week. I have a few little beings that are waiting to come to life. They want to meet you at the Tyler show on October 15 - 16!

Comcast lobby, Philadelphia

I hope to see you at my shows. I won't be walking a balance beam but I will have my cane. Maybe a top hat and tails too. We'll pretend that I will dance like Fred Astaire.

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